

Everyone has been to strategy meetings which fail to deliver the required output – or which deliver the boss’s output, but do not align his team behind it. This is at best a waste of time and money, and at worst a breeding ground for cynicism.

A good event, by contrast, generates action behind a vision, and alignment around those actions.
The difference is effective facilitation. Major events require managing: they need a process, and a facilitator dedicated to running the process. This liberates the boss to concentrate on content: on what must be done.

Justin has facilitated many strategy and other meetings - first as a member of a Board of Directors, then as an independent professional. He uses his broad commercial experience and personal intuition to question and challenge, and to guide the meeting to a successful conclusion.

He specializes in running war games: strategic events which simulate conflict with the competition to deliver a new perspective on your own strategy – and so to improve your own plans.

Justin now does all his work though HEWM Partners, a business he set up with three colleagues. Please go to www.hewmpartners.com to find out more

“I want to thank you for your facilitation and leadership in running this wargame. Without your continuous challenge and direction, we would not have got to what we managed to achieve in the two days. We came out of the workshop feeling much more confident with our plan and purposeful in what we want to do.”

Product Vice President, Unilever Asia
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